Ken Green and Mike Dehus bring you over 60 years of combined experience in the residential and light commercial fields. Each of which have extensive hands-on experience in new home construction, remodeling, additions and restorations from “can we have a new door” to “very high end custom homes”. If you are planning a project no matter how large or small please give us a call or send an email, we would be honored to take the time to discuss exactly what you are looking for.
Design Build
General Contractor
Ken Green & Associates. Ken Green & Associates. Ken Green & Associates. Ken Green & Associates. Ken Green. Ken Green. Ken Green. Ken Green. Ken Green. Ken Green. Ken Green. Ken Green. Mike Dehus. Mike Dehus. Mike Dehus. Mike Dehus. Mike Dehus. Mike Dehus. Mike Dehus. Mike Dehus. kg-a. kg-a. kg-a. kg-a. kg-a. kg-a. kg-a. kg-a. kg-a. kg-a. kg-a. kg-a. kg-a. kg-a. kg-a. kg-a. kg-a. kg-a. kg-a. kg-a. construction. construction. construction. construction. construction. construction. construction. construction. remodel. remodel. remodel. remodel. remodel. remodel. remodel. remodel. remodel. remodel. contractor. contractor. contractor. contractor. contractor. contractor. contractor. contractor. contractor. design. design. design. design. design. design. design. design. design. design. design. kitchen. kitchen. kitchen. kitchen. kitchen. kitchen. kitchen. kitchen. kitchen. kitchen. kitchen. kitchen. bath. bath. bath. bath. bath. bath. bath. bath. bath. bath .bath. bath. build. build. build. build. build. build. build. build. build. build. build. build. homes. homes. homes. homes. homes.
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